Recap of The Bachelorette! ART DATE hosted by: Natalia Fabia -Naked truths-

The Bachelorette: Naked truths

By Kristen Baldwin

This week on The Bachelorette, one suitor bares all during an art-themed group date, while Tayshia decides to get to the bottom of the Noah-Bennett rivalry.

Group date! Okay, Spencer, Ivan, Ed, Blake, Brendan, Riley, Demar, Bennett, Ben, and Noah, the date card said “express yourself” — and these two are going to help you do it!



The guys are going to be painting these folks, I guess, with guidance from a pink-haired woman named Natalia. “Love is a lot like creating art,” says Natalia. “You have to really invest in yourself and be extremely open to the process.” The guys seem so relieved that they don’t have to get naked for this date (poor Blake still has PTSD from strip dodgeball!) that they don’t even seem that fazed about having to stare at two naked strangers.

It should come as no surprise to any of you that none of the guys can draw. Of all of the terrible drawings, I think Ivan’s is my favorite? I mean look at this!



And I love that the producers broke out the Black Box of Shame™ for cartoon junk. From the moment art class gets going, Bennett starts razzing Noah. First, he steals Noah’s seat next to Tayshia, and then he makes a not-so-veiled comment about “drama” in the background. Uh-oh… looks like Blake made a phallus out of his clay.



“It surprises nobody that he made a penis,” says Spencer. “He is constantly talking about sex.”

Bennett, meanwhile, makes a clay rendering of the three houses he and Tayshia will share once she marries his rich ass. “Hey Bennett,” Noah calls across the room. “You spell ‘privilege’ p-r-i-v-i-l-e-d-g-e,” right? Damn, that would have been such a sick burn — and a great callback to Bennett’s inability to spell the word “limousine” — if only Noah had spelled “privilege” correctly.

Tayshia is definitely not pleased about this petty rivalry between Bennett and Noah. Don’t they realize that the Bachelorette is looking for a grown-ass man?

The final art class exercise is a self-portrait, and the winner will receive extra time with Tayshia. All the guys try to out-vulnerable each other with their artistic efforts. Ivan’s portrait is drawn like a puzzle, with a missing “wife and kids” piece in the middle; Brendan crafts an empty picture frame and leaves a space for the love of his life next to him; Blake paints a turtledove, which represents monogamy and the stable life he never had growing up; and Riley’s blue-sky painting symbolizes his daydream of one day spending quality time with his wife and daughter.

When it’s Ben’s turn, though, he decides to ditch his self-portrait. “I forgot something,” he mumbles, before hurrying out of the room. When he returns, Ben is dressed in a La Quinta robe, and a La Quinta robe only. “I talk a big game, but it’s hard for me to express my emotions,” he says. “So figuratively and literally, I’m going to let my guard down.” You guessed it, rose lovers:

“This is me showing up for you,” Ben announces. “What you see is only just a small part of who I am. I’m so excited to share that with you.” (Also, can we please take a moment to appreciate the expression on Bennett’s face during Ben’s naked declaration?)

“I was not expecting that at all,” admits Tayshia, who is so overwhelmed by everything the guys shared with her, she needs to take a cry break backstage. “It’s a lot,” she sniffles. “This is what happens when you start dating real men.” Unfortunately for the guys, Tayshia loved all of their portraits so much that she simply cannot choose one winner. “I just want to hang out with all of you,” she says. The men all pretend to be fine with it, but I’m guessing Ben is bummed.

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